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There are four main types of funding that parents are able to access for their child’s ABA program: Health Insurance, Regional Center, School District, and Private Pay. In some cases, families may access two or even all four of these funding sources to ensure their child’s recommended treatment is fully funded. Below are brief descriptions of each funding source and how to start the process with each.

Health Insurance

If your child has health insurance coverage, he or she may be able to access ABA services through this coverage. ABLE is an in-network provider with the following insurance companies:

If you are interested in starting ABA services utilizing your child’s health insurance benefits, please contact ABLE by phone or email. We can contact your provider directly to complete a benefits check as well as request authorization for a behavior assessment.

Regional Center

The State of California offers a unique funding option for services. The regional center system provides funding for diagnostic services, treatments such as ABA, and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities. The regional center conducts a psychological assessment to determine a child’s eligibility for regional center funding. Once eligibility is determined, each child is assigned a service coordinator who helps to coordinate services and supports for the child. If your child is already a consumer at your local regional center, you may contact your service coordinator to discuss ABA services. If your child is not currently a client of regional center, your first step would be to contact your local regional center ( and ask for a diagnostic assessment for your child.

ABLE is currently a vendor of the following regional centers:

Private Funding

If you plan/prefer to pay for services privately, please contact our office to discuss details.